Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Tower

Whenever I look at the "Tower", I get images of a lighthouse, a rather tall tower and falling head over heels.

"Head over heels" usually refers to love at first sight, giving in completely, an infatuation or just being blind about something.
So the card could indicate a head over heels situation where one is not really thinking and if you trace the person falling, he is definitely going to hurt his head first. It could indicate something that hurts the mind, a depression or even falling out of something.

The tower is tall so the fall is always great and if that means sitting on your high ego and not willing to let go, it may be asking to let go of that high rise gloated perception and let the head open up to the real situation.

The light house is always leading the lost ship to land but what if it shatters like we see in most images, you may not have that guidance or someone who may have been leading you. The loss of a guru or a need to be on your own and survive with your own light rather than another could be indicated.

A need for change, breaking away from the tall castle that could have jailed you and finding your freedom may be asked for but this may not be easy as you can't just step out but may have to take that jump and big leap to freedom.

I am now wondering if this relates to an incident of our times, the 9/11, then is the question whether we are terrorizing and causing damage to someone's tower, can our anger and fire destroy too in our own small way so do we become terrorists with our thoughts and emotions to our dear ones and neighbors?

I ask that I never come crashing down for the descent is fast but the ascent can take a life-time.

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