Friday, October 15, 2010

Threes and Jupiter

That 3 is associated with Jupiter, Sagittarius and Pisces, gives new meaning to all the 3's. Expansion of thoughts, actions, material wealth and emotions in a fun way and with reason to celebrate. Yet there can be inclusion of a third dimension, a new thought or a new path that may bring in a joyous mood initially may also intrude on the union that was just two until now. But the bow of the Sagittarius with just the string and the rod can do nothing without the arrow and the target depends on the one who holds the bow.

 Jupiter seems to bring in that arrow into one's life whether it be thoughts, actions, emotions or material quest. It is that opportunity that can lead to triumph. The triangle shows completion and yet adds up to 180 degrees so there is still another 180 degrees to go the full circle.
Creation, transformation and destruction may occur at the same time for a purpose that leads to better times.