Saturday, November 8, 2008


I have been doing a countless things and juggling a lot in the past couple of months and if I did not post for a while, it is because my journey has been leading me on to new knowledge and learning.

I was in Malaysia for a Feng Shui course, one of the best things I did in a long time not only because of the course and what I learnt. I met amazing people from around the world and we connected in very special ways and now most of them have become my very good friends.

The Fool leads you on in paths that one does not understand and you have to be willing to give up on your careful planned ways to follow your instinct and your heart. You come across amazing experiences that you can never plan for.
I met a Spanish woman who spoke only Spanish but we communicated and seemed to totally understand one another. I met this angelic woman from Prague who stirred my heart and a friend I want for life.

I came back home, feeling overwhelmed and totally satisfied with my journey. I attended a workshop on handwriting analysis and was introduced to another community of people. It was beyond understanding personalities. I found myself too. Since the course was hectic and the homework kept me busy, I took a break from my tarot readings so I could concentrate.
I am back now reading at FTN and Allexperts again and connecting to the cards. It seems like I am ready to move to my next card "The Magician".