Saturday, May 15, 2010


Of all the meanings and messages from the Devil, I have been most attracted to this one and always see the Devil not so much as evil or scary but as the darker side of life that we are all exposed to and if we acknowledge and deal with it in the right way, it could actually empower rather than control.

This is from LLewellyn tarot and I once mailed a friend this reading when the Devil came up as his personality card.

The devil is a half goat, half god creature who symobolises lust, greed, passion, obsession etc so it is the least revered card. The card says: " All I am bringing out is what is already in you so do not resist me". Such feelings are nothing to fear, avoid or be ashamed of.
You are not inhibited like others are by their own perceptions of what is good and what is not. You can be free when you wish to be so the chains of the devil do not control you but only allow you to explore even the dark side that most people just avoid in life. You allow your impulses and aspirations to take you to the top of the mountain and you know that inhibitions can enslave one just as much as excesses.

What others may see in you or dislike about you may be that you may do anything to get to the top and that marks the devil in you but nothing may stop you in following your passion to the greatest heights.

Your right and wrong is decided by you and not by anyone else's bible and no one can dictate what you should do or should not do. If you see the horns of the goat, they can tear someone's guts apart and yet their eyes are innocent and peaceful. The devil is not a creature of evil but of great power both of beast and god, it allows your dark side to rise.
Like all power it is frightening, and dangerous... but it is also the key to freedom and transcendence if understood and well used.

Temptation and addiction go along with this card and when you want something you may go all out to get it. This card symbolizes ambitions and asks you not to be restrained. The Devil represents a man of money or erotic power, aggressive, controlling or just persuasive. You will be enslaved only if you allow it and no one can dictate control unless you give permission. This is about all the people and things in your life. You can say Yes and No just as easily.

In short, if this card came up, it is a phase in your life when you will rule your thoughts and actions, your decisions may not always be favored or liked by others but you are at a phase when your aspirations and goals are bigger than all other things and if you are seen as a Devil because of this you may not even care.
How others see you is not as important as how you see yourself now. Your ways and means to achieve what you want may also be disapproved but there is a wild side, a passion and unrestrained behavior that overtakes all. Its an addiction of sorts that wont let you stop. You will also be attracted to material pleasures and wealth.

If you understand this inner fire, you will not be enslaved and can get out of those chains when you choose but if you wont see the other side, then you will also have to bear the consequences. Without accepting your dark side, you can never grow your bright side as you can then balance the yin and yang of life.

To add: I do associate Saturn with this card and in Hinduism Saneeswara or the ruler of Saturn is the most feared one as he is seen as someone who dooms one's life for 7 years when he occupies your house in the chart. But, he is also the most generous and when he leaves, he leaves you with a big gift. When he is respected and worshipped he strengthens and gives the weakest of people a strange strength to stand up for themselves, to be different and to take risks. Ofcourse, this can also end up in failures which are then attributed to Saturn's evil effects but behind the results are what it brings out of a person who has been restrained. He is treated with great reverence and worshipped more than any other God in India so he is demands respect. He is associated with the crow/raven which is associated with old spirits in India.

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